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The Jesus Way: Signed, Sealed, Delivered, and Secured

Discover the importance of salvation, baptism, and church membership in the life of a Christian and how to begin applying that to your life today.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

Pastor John Mark Caton emphasizes the significance of the "Jesus Way," involving three key steps: salvation, baptism, and church membership. He explained that salvation is a gift from God that requires faith, not works, highlighting that believing in Jesus is essential for eternal life. Pastor John Mark then discussed the importance of baptism as a public declaration of faith, comparing it to wearing a team jersey that signifies one's identity with Christ. Finally, he underscored the necessity of belonging to a local church, as Jesus intended believers to gather and grow in community, participating in practices like communion together.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

What does it mean to you personally that salvation is a gift and not a reward for good works?  

  • Pastor emphasized that salvation is a gift from Jesus, not something we earn through good behavior.

  • Can you think of a time when you felt grateful for a gift, and how can that relate to how you feel about your salvation?

In John 10:27, Jesus says, 'My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.' What do you think it looks like to follow Jesus today?  

  • This verse was discussed to highlight that being a follower of Jesus means actively listening and obeying Him.

  • What practical ways can you make sure you are listening to Jesusā€™ voice in your life?

How does the concept of the church being a community (the 'team') change the way you view your role within it?  

  • Pastor explained that belonging to a church is essential for growth as part of the body of Christ.

  • What are some ways you can contribute to your church community to help others grow in their faith?

Why do you think baptism is an important step after accepting salvation?  

  • Pastor mentioned that baptism is a way to publicly declare our faith and identify with the death and resurrection of Jesus.

  • How can sharing your faith and being baptized impact your relationship with others who may not know Christ?

What do you think Pastor means when he says that salvation is just the start line and not the finish line?   

  • This statement suggests that once you are saved, there is a journey of growth and transformation that continues.

  • How can you take intentional steps to grow in your faith after committing to follow Jesus?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask for prayer requests from the group. ā€¢ Pray for the understanding of salvation as a gift this week. ā€¢ Ask for guidance in taking the next steps after salvation. ā€¢ Seek strength in living out faith within the community.

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Unbreakable Joy Comes from True Contentment

The ā€œUnbreakable Joyā€ series is a study of the book of Philippians and how believers can attain joy in life that goes beyond circumstances and is more profound than mere happiness.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

John Mark shares key insights on achieving true contentment, drawing from Philippians chapter 4. He emphasizes that contentment is a learned process, not a passive state, and he outlined six practical steps: seeking good examples, practicing gratitude, maintaining hope, living generously, trusting God's provision, and glorifying God in all circumstances. John Mark highlighted Paul's ability to remain content despite overwhelming hardships, such as imprisonment and facing death, showcasing a mindset anchored in faith. Ultimately, he encouraged the congregation to pursue actively contentment by aligning their actions and thoughts with God's teachings.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be something silly like candy corn or pickles, what would you choose?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

How can practicing gratitude help you in your daily life, especially in tough circumstances?  

  • Paul expresses gratitude even while he is in prison and acknowledges the support from the Philippians.

  • What are three specific things you can be grateful for this week, and how can recognizing them change your perspective?

What does it mean to you to find true contentment, as Paul describes in Philippians 4:12?  

  • Paul says he has learned to be content in any and every situation, whether in need or plenty.

  • Can you think of a situation in your life where you found it hard to be content? How can you apply Paul's message in that situation?

In what ways can setting goals contribute to achieving contentment, as discussed in the message?  

  • Paul emphasizes the importance of having the right goals and moving toward them as a path to joy and contentment.

  • What are some of your personal goals, and how do they align with your pursuit of contentment?

What are some good examples of contentment that you see in your life, and how do they inspire you?  

  • Paul encourages believers to look for good examples of those who demonstrate true contentment and trust in God.

  • Who is someone in your life that shows contentment even during difficulties? What qualities do they have that you can learn from?

How does trusting God to provide for your needs relate to your experience of contentment?   

  • Paul reassures the Philippians that God will meet all their needs, which is a significant aspect of finding true contentment.

  • Can you share a personal experience where trusting God during a difficult time led you to find peace or contentment?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Pray for the courage to apply the lessons of contentment in daily life.
ā€¢ Ask God to help you focus on gratitude, even in challenging circumstances.
ā€¢ Pray for guidance in setting the right goals aligned with Godā€™s Word.
ā€¢ Lift up any personal prayer requests from the group.

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How Do We Overcome Worry and Anxiety and Achieve Unbreakable Joy?

The ā€œUnbreakable Joyā€ series is a study of the book of Philippians and how believers can attain joy in life that goes beyond circumstances and is more profound than mere happiness.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

Pastor John Mark encourages the listener to focus on overcoming worry and anxiety by embracing a connected and positive life, as demonstrated by Paul in Philippians. He emphasizes the need to create new pathways in our thinking through actions like rejoicing, praying, and treating others with gentleness. Pastor highlights the overwhelming concern parents have for their childrenā€™s mental health in todayā€™s anxious world, urging them to turn their worries into prayer and trust in God's promises. Ultimately, he reminds everyone that by focusing on what is true, noble, and good, we can experience the peace of God that transcends all understanding.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could choose any fictional character as your best friend, who would it be and why?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

What practical steps can we take to turn our worries into prayers, based on what Paul teaches in Philippians 4:6-7?  

  • In the talk, Pastor explained that instead of being anxious about anything, we should present our requests to God through prayer and thanksgiving.

  • Can you identify a worry in your life right now and write a prayer to hand that worry over to God?

Why do you think treating others with gentleness can lead to less anxiety in our own lives?  

  • Pastor emphasized that choosing gentleness instead of harshness can influence our emotional state positively and build better relationships.

  • Reflect on a recent interaction where you could have been more gentle. How might that change your future interactions with that person?

How does focusing on what is good and true, as mentioned by Paul, help combat feelings of anxiety?  

  • Pastor discussed how thinking about noble, right, pure, and lovely things can create new positive pathways in our brains.

  • What are some specific good or positive things in your life that you can focus on this week when you start feeling anxious?

How does understanding that worry doesn't solve our problems, but can harm us, affect our stress response?  

  • During the sermon, Pastor noted that worrying actually shortens our lives and doesnā€™t help us, which is supported by research.

  • What strategies can you implement to replace worrying with more productive thoughts or actions?

How can we actively choose to rejoice in difficult situations, just like Paul encouraged the Philippians to do?   

  • Pastor shared how Paul, even in prison, urged the believers to rejoice always, showing that our attitude can affect our peace.

  • Can you think of a time when you faced a challenge and how you could have approached it with a more positive attitude?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask for prayer requests from the group.
ā€¢ Pray for God to help us apply the message of trusting Him over worry in our lives this week.
ā€¢ Ask God for the wisdom and strength to face anxieties with prayer and thanksgiving.
ā€¢ Pray for our children and grandchildren to be filled with God's peace and guidance.

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How Pursuing the Right Goal Leads to Unbreakable Joy

The ā€œUnbreakable Joyā€ series is a study of the book of Philippians and how believers can attain joy in life that goes beyond circumstances and is more profound than mere happiness.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

In this talk, Pastor John Mark Caton emphasizes the importance of pursuing the right goals to achieve unbreakable joy, as outlined in Philippians. He highlights that while many goals in life may seem appealing, followers of Christ should avoid pursuing wealth, comfort, or the approval of others, focusing instead on loving God and developing Christlike character. Pastor also shares practical steps to personal growth, including owning oneā€™s reality, learning from past mistakes without being defined by them, and committing to spiritual discipline with energy and focus. Ultimately, he encourages everyone to maintain their spiritual progress and keep moving forward in their walk with God.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a food you hate, what food would you pick and why?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

How can we 'press on toward the goal to win the prize' as mentioned in Philippians 3:14?  

  • Pastor emphasized the importance of having energy and focus to move toward God's calling.

  • What areas of your life do you need to put more effort into to reach your spiritual goals?

What does it mean to live with integrity in our day-to-day lives according to the sermon?  

  • Pastor emphasized developing a character of Christlikeness and being honest about our struggles.

  • How can you practice integrity in your relationships and responsibilities this week?

According to the message, what are some examples of wrong goals people might pursue?  

  • Pastor talked about wrong goals like pursuing wealth, the approval of man, or comfort over growth.

  • Can you think of a time when you realized you were pursuing the wrong goal in your own life? What happened?

Why is it important to own our current reality, and how does this relate to striving for unbreakable joy?  

  • Pastor explained that acknowledging where we are spiritually helps us to move forward rather than remain stagnant.

  • What truths about your current situation can you start acknowledging this week to help you grow?

Pastor said that past sins are life lessons and not labels. How can one differentiate between the two?   

  • He shared that lessons help us grow, while labels can drag us down and keep us stuck in our past.

  • Reflect on a past mistake. What lesson did it teach you that you can apply moving forward?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Pray for God to help you identify the right goals in your life this week.

ā€¢ Ask God to give you the strength to pursue those goals diligently.

ā€¢ Request prayer for any specific needs or struggles you are currently facing that may hinder your journey.

ā€¢ Seek guidance for how to support others in their goals and spiritual growth.

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Unbreakable Joy Comes from True Righteousness

The ā€œUnbreakable Joyā€ series is a study of the book of Philippians and how believers can attain joy in life that goes beyond circumstances and is more profound than mere happiness.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

Pastor John Mark Caton emphasizes the theme of unbreakable joy as presented in the book of Philippians, focusing on the importance of living a connected life rather than in isolation. He highlighted Paul's perspective on true righteousness, stressing that it is not earned through personal achievements or legalistic practices but comes solely from faith in Christ. He illustrates the dangers of self-righteousness through the Pharisees and the need for humility, encouraging attendees to recognize their past while eagerly pursuing a relationship with Jesus. Ultimately, he called for believers to rejoice in hardships, acknowledge their inability to earn salvation and understand that true righteousness is rooted in faith and continuous growth.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

What does it mean to have true righteousness that comes from God, as discussed in Philippians 3?  

  • Pastor emphasized that true righteousness is not earned through our actions but is a gift from God through faith.

  • In what ways do you sometimes feel pressure to earn approval or righteousness from others, and how can you remind yourself that it comes from God?

How can we learn to rejoice in our faith during difficult times, as Pastor described?  

  • John Mark spoke about the importance of rejoicing in Christ even when circumstances are tough and how this can strengthen our faith.

  • Can you think of a recent challenge you faced? How did your attitude towards that challenge reflect your faith?

Why is humility important when it comes to our religious beliefs, as mentioned in the sermon?  

  • The message highlighted that acknowledging our limitations in understanding and living out our faith can lead to a deeper relationship with God.

  • How can you practice humility in your interactions with others who may have different beliefs or perspectives?

Reflect on John Markā€™s message about not comparing ourselves to others, especially with respect to our spirituality. Why is it harmful?  

  • Paul warned about the foolishness of comparing ourselves with others, which can lead to pride or discouragement.

  • How can you focus on your own spiritual growth instead of comparing yourself to others?

In Philippians 3, Paul talks about considering everything a loss compared to knowing Christ. What does that mean?   

  • Pastor referenced how Paul valued knowing Christ above all his past achievements and status.

  • What are some things in your life that you might need to reassess in terms of their importance compared to your relationship with Christ?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask God to help apply the message of true righteousness in our daily lives.

ā€¢ Seek guidance for humility in our hearts as we approach others in faith.

ā€¢ Pray for the courage to rejoice in God during challenging times.

ā€¢ Lift up any personal prayer requests and needs within the group.

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How True Humility Leads to Unbreakable Joy

The ā€œUnbreakable Joyā€ series is a study of the book of Philippians and how believers can attain joy in life that goes beyond circumstances and is more profound than mere happiness.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

Pastor emphasizes the importance of humility in achieving unbreakable joy, drawing from the book of Philippians. He explores how true humility leads to harmony in relationships and encourages believers to prioritize the needs of others above their own, using Jesus as the ultimate example of servanthood. John Mark also highlights that adopting the mindset of Christ results in a deeper connection with God and others, ultimately bringing joy to our lives. He concludes by reminding the congregation that true elevation comes from serving and loving others rather than seeking personal gain.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it has to be one type of candy, what would it be and why?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

What does it mean to have an unbreakable joy in our lives, and how can true humility contribute to that joy?  

  • Pastor talks about how true humility is necessary for experiencing joy, even in hard times.

  • Can you think of a recent situation where practicing humility helped you find joy in a difficult circumstance?

In Philippians 2:5, it says we should have the same mindset as Christ. What do you think this mindset looks like in everyday interactions?  

  • Pastor emphasizes the importance of having the mindset of Christ, who showed humility by serving others.

  • How can you apply the mindset of Christ this week in your relationships with friends or family?

What are some practical ways we can put others' needs before our own, as mentioned in the talk?  

  • Pastor encourages us to value others above ourselves and consider their needs more than ours.

  • Can you share an example of a time you put someone else's needs first? How did it impact your relationship?

According to the message, why do you think true humility is essential for achieving harmony in relationships?  

  • Pastor explains that true humility leads to true harmony within the church and among believers.

  • Reflect on a relationship in your life. How might humility improve that relationship?

How does the example of Jesus washing the disciples' feet illustrate the importance of humility and service in our lives?   

  • Pastor highlights the moment when Jesus washed His disciples' feet as an act of humility and servant leadership.

  • What is one way you could serve someone in your life this week, following the example of Jesus?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Thank God for the example of true humility demonstrated by Jesus.
ā€¢ Ask for help applying the principle of putting others first in daily life.
ā€¢ Pray for unity and harmony in our relationships and within the church.
ā€¢ Bring any personal prayer requests to God, asking Him to provide guidance and support throughout the week.

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What to Do When Life Goes Wrong

The ā€œUnbreakable Joyā€ series is a study of the book of Philippians and how believers can attain joy in life that goes beyond circumstances and is more profound than mere happiness.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

Pastor shares insights from the book of Philippians, emphasizing the theme of unbreakable joy amidst trials inspired by Paulā€™s experiences in a Roman prison. He encourages the listener to make daily commitments that align with spiritual growth, including worship, scripture reading, connecting with others in groups, serving, and stewardship. The sermon highlights that true joy comes from understanding Godā€™s purpose in challenges, focusing on Christ rather than others, and relying on Godā€™s plan even when things don't go as desired. Ultimately, Pastor John Mark urges everyone to live lives worthy of the gospel, regardless of circumstances, fostering a community of hope and support.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a food that starts with the letter "P", what would it be?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

What does it mean to have an unbreakable joy, especially when facing hardships?  

  • The message emphasized that joy can still be present even when life is going wrong, using Paul's experience in prison as a key example.

  • Can you think of a time in your life when you found joy despite facing challenges? How did you maintain that perspective?

How does understanding God's purpose in our challenges impact the way we view difficult situations?  

  • Paul found purpose in his imprisonment as it advanced the Gospel, showing us that trials can lead to unexpected blessings.

  • Reflect on a current challenge in your life. How could viewing it as part of a greater purpose change your attitude?

In Philippians 4:13, Paul says, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' How should we interpret this verse in light of enduring hardships?  

  • The sermon highlighted that this verse isn't just about winning but about enduring challenges through Christ's strength, similar to Paul's situation.

  • How can you apply the idea of endurance through Christ in your own life, especially when faced with difficulties?

Why is focusing on Jesus instead of others important during challenging times?  

  • Paul chose not to get distracted by others' motives but to focus on the fact that Christ was being preached, which helped him maintain joy.

  • Think of a situation where you found yourself comparing with others. How can shifting your focus to Jesus change your perspective in similar situations?

How can we 'live lives worthy of the gospel' in our everyday lives?   

  • The sermon concluded with Paul encouraging the Philippians to conduct themselves in a way that reflects their faith, regardless of circumstances.

  • What specific actions can you take this week to live a life that demonstrates your faith and reflects the values of the Gospel?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask God to help you identify areas where you can cultivate unbreakable joy in your life this week.
ā€¢ Pray for patience and understanding as you face challenges that may come your way.
ā€¢ Request strength to maintain daily habits that draw you closer to God.
ā€¢ Seek guidance in supporting and uplifting others in your community and church.

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Why Living a Connected Life Brings Joy

The ā€œUnbreakable Joyā€ series is a study of the book of Philippians and how believers can attain joy in life that goes beyond circumstances and is more profound than mere happiness.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

In this message, Pastor John Mark Caton introduces the "Unbreakable Joy" series based on the book of Philippians, emphasizing the importance of connectedness in achieving true joy. He highlights seven common New Yearā€™s resolutions that focus on health, relationships, finances, and spiritual growth, noting that genuine growth requires daily habits rather than just one-time commitments. Pastor encourages cultivating gratitude for the people in our lives and having confidence in God's continuous work within us, illustrating how spiritual growth resembles a construction project with its challenges and delays. Finally, he stresses the power of community and the need to deepen our love for God and others, reinforcing that true joy comes from serving and connecting with each other.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be something ridiculously strange (like pickles and ice cream), what would it be?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

Why is it important to cultivate gratitude for the people in our lives, as mentioned by Pastor?  

  • Pastor emphasized the need to cultivate gratitude for those God has placed in our lives, reflecting on Paul's thankfulness for the Philippians.

  • Can you think of a specific person you're grateful for in your life? How can expressing that gratitude strengthen your relationship with them?

What are some daily habits we can adopt to support our commitments to growing spiritually?  

  • Pastor mentioned that change comes from commitments followed by daily habits, suggesting ways to grow spiritually through worship, Bible reading, and service.

  • What habit can you start this week to help you grow in your faith, and how do you plan to stick to it?

Pastor spoke about the ongoing work of God in our lives. How does Philippians 1:6 reflect this idea?  

  • In Philippians 1:6, Paul expresses confidence that God will complete the good work started in us, highlighting His ongoing involvement in our lives.

  • How does understanding that God is always working in your life change how you view your struggles or setbacks?

According to Pastor, how can being part of a community or group deepen our joy and support our spiritual growth?  

  • Pastor stressed the importance of community for joy and spiritual growth, illustrating how sharing experiences and support creates a stronger bond.

  • What steps can you take to connect with others in your church or community to experience this deeper joy?

What does it mean for our love to abound more and more, as discussed by Pastor, and why is that significant?   

  • Pastor shared that love should grow in knowledge and insight, emphasizing the need for deepening love for God and others for true joy.

  • In what practical ways can you show love to others in your life this week, reflecting on how that might deepen your relationships?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask for prayer requests from everyone.

ā€¢ Pray for strength to cultivate gratitude for those around us this week.

ā€¢ Ask God to help us identify and engage in relationships that foster joy.

ā€¢ Request wisdom to live a life of connectedness as discussed in the sermon.

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Miracles: The Star of Bethlehem

What are the miracles surrounding Jesusā€™ birth, and why was it significant that the Lord performed these miracles? These are the questions that Pastor John Mark will answer during this series.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

Pastor John Mark reflects on the significance of the star of Bethlehem, urging listeners to seek God wholeheartedly as He lights the way in our spiritual journeys. He contrasts the wise men, who persevered in their quest to find Jesus, with those around them who were indifferent or hostile, reminding us not to be deterred by the reactions of others. The message emphasizes the importance of not stopping short of faith and encourages listeners to embrace the joy found in worshiping Christ. Ultimately, Pastor invites everyone to be the light of the world, sharing the true meaning of Christmas as they move into the new year.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a food that starts with the first letter of your name, what would it be?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

Pastor mentioned that God will always light the way if you seek Him. What does this mean to you personally?  

  • This reflects Jeremiah's prophecy about seeking God with all your heart and finding Him.

  • Can you identify a time when you sought God in your life? What happened as a result of that pursuit?

Pastor emphasized not stopping short of your destination. Why do you think it's important to keep pushing towards our goals?  

  • The sermon highlighted how the wise men didn't stop at the palace but continued to Bethlehem, showing determination in their journey.

  • What goals or dreams do you need to keep pursuing? What might hold you back from reaching them?

What do you think motivated the wise men to follow the star to find Jesus, even though it meant traveling a long distance?  

  • Pastor shared how the wise men recognized the star's unique qualities and decided to pursue it for a significant reason.

  • In your life, is there something you feel called to pursue, even if it seems difficult? How can you take steps to follow that calling?

Why do you think some people, like King Herod and the religious leaders, reacted negatively or indifferently when they heard about the birth of Jesus?  

  • Pastor noted how not everyone was excited about the news of Jesus, showing there can be a range of reactions.

  • Have you ever experienced someone reacting negatively to something you were excited about? How did that make you feel?

How can we apply the idea that we are to be the light of the world in our everyday lives?   

  • Pastor concluded with the message that, as believers, we are called to share our faith and be a guiding light like Jesus.

  • Think of a specific way you can shine your light this week, whether at school, home or in your community. What will you do?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask God to help apply the lessons from following the star to your personal journey of faith this week.
ā€¢ Pray for the wisdom to recognize when God is leading you in your life.
ā€¢ Seek God's guidance in overcoming any indifference in your heart towards Him or His word.
ā€¢ Lift up any specific prayer requests that are shared among the group.

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Miracles: The Angels Appear to the Shepherds

What are the miracles surrounding Jesusā€™ birth, and why was it significant that the Lord performed these miracles? These are the questions that Pastor John Mark will answer during this series.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

In his sermon, John Mark emphasizes that with God, nothing is impossible, and He can perform miracles in anyone's life, regardless of their circumstances. He discusses how God has shown His miraculous power through natural means, the supernatural, fulfilled prophecies, and even the role of angels who bring messages of hope and peace to all people. Pastor highlights the importance of understanding that peace and hope come from knowing God and listening to the right message, specifically the good news of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, he invites listeners to follow the example of the shepherds, encouraging them to seek a personal relationship with Christ to experience God's favor and peace in their lives.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it could be any food you want, what would it be and why?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

According to the message, what does it mean to have hope, peace, and favor from God?  

  • Pastor talked about how the angels brought messages of hope, peace, and favor to the shepherds, emphasizing that these messages apply to everyone, regardless of their past.

  • Can you think of a time when you felt hopeless or without peace? What steps can you take to find hope and peace in your life today?

Why do you think the angels appeared to the shepherds, who were considered unlikely people, instead of someone more important?  

  • The talk mentioned that God's choice to send angels to shepherds highlights that everyone is valuable to Him, regardless of their social status.

  • How can you share God's love and messages of hope with people around you who may feel overlooked or unimportant?

How can knowing that God uses angels as messengers inspire you in your daily life?  

  • Pastor explained that angels serve as Godā€™s messengers and protectors, encouraging us to listen for God's messages.

  • How can you create space in your day to listen for what God might be trying to communicate with you?

Pastor mentioned that peace is a key theme in the Bible and is mentioned over 430 times. What does peace mean to you personally?  

  • The talk discussed Isaiah 26:3, which states that God will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in Him.

  • Can you recall a situation where you experienced peace in a chaotic moment? How can you apply that experience to similar situations in the future?

Reflect on the story of the prodigal son shared in the sermon. What does this story teach us about God's grace and favor?   

  • Pastor used the story of the prodigal son to illustrate the difference between grace (unearned salvation) and favor (blessing from following God's path).

  • Have you ever felt like the prodigal son? What steps can you take to return to God and seek His favor in your life?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask for prayer requests from the group.

ā€¢ Pray for God to help apply the truths of the sermon to our lives this week.

ā€¢ Ask God for opportunities to share the message of hope and peace with those around us.

ā€¢ Pray for peace in our hearts regardless of the challenges we may face.

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Miracles: The Little Town of Bethlehem

What are the miracles surrounding Jesusā€™ birth, and why was it significant that the Lord performed these miracles? These are the questions that Pastor John Mark will answer during this series.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

Pastor John Mark Caton explores the miraculous nature of fulfilled prophecy, focusing on the significance of Bethlehem as the birthplace of the Messiah. He highlights how God provides a trail of prophetic clues throughout the Old Testament, leading to the miraculous arrival of Jesus. By examining key figures like David and the prophecies of Micah, Pastor illustrates that God's plan transcends human expectations and government actions. Ultimately, the talk emphasizes that God's overarching purpose unfolds through each breadcrumb of prophecy, culminating in the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a dessert, what would you choose?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

Why do you think God chose Bethlehem as the birthplace of Jesus, and how does that connect to the prophecies mentioned in Micah 5:2?  

  • In the sermon, Pastor talks about how Bethlehem, referred to as the 'house of bread,' was prophesied to be the birthplace of the Messiah 700 years before Jesus was born.

  • How might understanding the significance of Jesus' birthplace help you in recognizing God's plan in your own life?

Pastor mentioned that sometimes God performs miracles through the natural, like in the case of Zechariah and Elizabeth. What are some examples of natural miracles you have witnessed or heard about?  

  • The sermon highlights how God can use natural events, such as medicine and doctors, to bring about miracles in people's lives.

  • Reflect on a time when you saw a situation in your life or someone else's life improve in a miraculous way. How did that affect your faith?

How does the idea of 'breadcrumbs of prophecy' throughout the Old Testament help you understand God's preparation for Jesus' coming?  

  • Pastor emphasized how through various prophecies God left clues about the coming Messiah, pointing to Jesus long before His birth.

  • In what ways do you see God laying out plans and clues in your own life that lead you toward a better understanding of Him?

According to the message, governments and people have their plans, but God has the ultimate plan. What are your thoughts on how sometimes our plans donā€™t align with Godā€™s?  

  • Pastor explained that both pagan governments and individuals like Joseph had plans, but God's plan ultimately prevailed in guiding them to Bethlehem.

  • Have you ever experienced a time when your plans didnā€™t work out, but something better came from it? How did that situation impact your view of God's plan?

How does the concept of fulfilled prophecy strengthen your faith in the Bible and God's promises?   

  • The sermon describes how many Old Testament prophecies have been fulfilled through Jesus, showing that Godā€™s word is reliable.

  • Is there a specific promise from the Bible that you hold on to during challenging times? How does that promise encourage you?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask for prayer requests from the group.

ā€¢ Pray for God to help us recognize the "breadcrumbs" He has laid out in our own lives.

ā€¢ Ask for strength to refer back to fulfilled prophecies in the coming week as a source of encouragement.

ā€¢ Pray for opportunities to share the message of hope and fulfillment that comes from our faith.

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Miracles: The Virgin Birth

What are the miracles surrounding Jesusā€™ birth, and why was it significant that the Lord performed these miracles? These are the questions that Pastor John Mark will answer during this series.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

In this message, Pastor John Mark focuses on the significance of the virgin birth and the miracles associated with the Christmas story, highlighting the importance of God's plan that began long before Christ's birth. He reflects on the biblical narrative of Zechariah and Elizabeth, who remained faithful despite their struggles with barrenness, and contrasts it with the miraculous conception of Jesus through Mary. Pastor emphasizes that the virgin birth was essential for Jesus to be without a sinful nature, enabling His ultimate sacrifice for humanity's salvation. He invites listeners to embrace God's offer of salvation, moving from spiritual death to spiritual life.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it could be any food, what would it be and why?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

Why is the virgin birth of Jesus considered a miracle, and how does it differ from other miracles mentioned in the sermon?  

  • The sermon discusses how the virgin birth is a supernatural miracle done by God, unlike other miracles that involve natural processes.

  • In what ways can experiencing God's miracles in our own lives change our perspective on challenges we face?

What does the phrase 'the day you eat of it, you will die' mean in the context of Adam and Eve's sin, and how does it relate to spiritual death?  

  • Pastor explains that Adam and Eve did not die physically immediately after eating the fruit but experienced spiritual death by becoming separated from God.

  • How do you think spiritual death can affect a person's relationship with God today, and what steps can someone take to restore that relationship?

How does understanding the concept of the sin nature help us make sense of why Jesus had to be born of a virgin?  

  • The sermon emphasizes that if Jesus was born from Mary and Joseph, he would inherit a sin nature, thus God made a way for Jesus to be born sinless through virgin birth.

  • What are some ways we can actively combat our own sin nature in our daily lives?

Pastor mentions how God has a plan and how everything from Genesis to the virgin birth fits together as part of that plan. What does that suggest about God's character?  

  • The sermon illustrates that God's plan is ongoing and intricately woven through history, indicating His deliberate care and involvement in creation.

  • How can recognizing God's involvement in your life help you feel more hopeful or secure during tough times?

What role does faith play in accepting the miraculous events of the Bible, especially the virgin birth?   

  • The sermon highlights the importance of faith in understanding and accepting the virgin birth and other miracles as part of God's divine plan.

  • In what areas of your life do you find it most challenging to have faith, and how can you strengthen that faith?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Pray for an openness to trust in God's timing, just like Zechariah and Elizabeth. ā€¢ Ask God for strength to remain faithful in the waiting periods of our lives.

ā€¢ Pray for a clearer understanding of the significance of the virgin birth in our faith. ā€¢ Request God's guidance to apply the lessons from the sermon in our everyday interactions.

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The Gospel in Every Arena

ā€œThe Giftā€ celebrates missions and evangelism month at Cottonwood Creek Church. Every message during this series talks about the importance of living out the Great Commission in our everyday lives as Christians.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

In today's talk, Pastor John Mark emphasizes the importance of missions and sharing the gospel in every aspect of life, as illustrated by Paul's experience in Athens. He encourages understanding both what we believe and what the culture believes, highlighting the significance of being prepared to share our faith respectfully. Using examples from recent outreach efforts, the pastor connects numbers to real lives, illustrating that every action represents a person in need of hope and love. Ultimately, he urges the listener to engage with others about the resurrection of Jesus, knowing that some will accept, some will ponder, and some will reject the message.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it couldn't be pizza or chocolate, what would it be?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

How does understanding what we believe help us share the gospel more effectively?  

  • Pastor mentioned that sharing the gospel starts in our hearts, and we need to know what we believe to communicate it well.

  • Can you think of a time when knowing what you believe made it easier for you to talk about your faith with someone else?

Why is it important to know what culture believes when sharing the gospel?  

  • Pastor emphasized that understanding the beliefs of others helps us connect our beliefs with theirs.

  • Have you ever noticed a difference in how people respond to your faith based on their cultural background? Share an example.

Based on 1 Peter 3:15, how can we prepare ourselves to share the reason for our hope in Christ respectfully?  

  • Pastor referenced 1 Peter 3:15, highlighting the importance of sharing the Gospel with gentleness and respect.

  • What are some respectful ways you can engage in conversations about your faith with friends or family who may have different beliefs?

How did Paul use familiar ideas to communicate the Gospel in Athens, and what can we learn from that?  

  • Pastor illustrated how Paul started with the familiar beliefs of the Athenians to bridge into sharing about Jesus.

  • What are some familiar situations or interests in your life that you could use to discuss faith with others?

What does the response of the people in Athens teach us about sharing the Gospel today?   

  • Pastor pointed out that some people mocked Paul, others wanted to learn more, and some believed, reflecting different responses to the Gospel.

  • How can we prepare ourselves for different responses when we talk about our faith with others?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask God to help us recognize every opportunity to share the gospel in our daily lives.
ā€¢ Pray for the courage to discuss our faith respectfully with others.
ā€¢ Request guidance to understand and connect with different cultural beliefs around us.
ā€¢ Ask God for a heart that loves sharing Jesus with both friends and strangers alike.

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Is There Absolute Truth?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

Pastor John Mark delivered a powerful message about the existence of absolute truth amidst a culture increasingly rejecting it. He highlighted how truth is essential in the face of societal lies and personal deceptions, emphasizing that while truth may sometimes hurt, it ultimately leads to freedom and salvation. Citing scripture, he reminded the listener of the importance of standing firm in truth and not succumbing to cultural pressures to compromise. The message concluded with a call to engage with truth through Godā€™s Word, conscience, doctrine, and the example of Jesus.


Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

What would you choose if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a food you disliked?


Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

According to John 8:44, what does it mean that 'Satan is a liar'? How does this understanding help us navigate life's challenges?  

  • In the sermon, Pastor explained that Satan, as the father of lies, uses deception to lead us away from God, and recognizing this is crucial for believers.

  • Can you identify areas in your life where you might be tempted to believe lies? What steps can you take to stay grounded in truth?


What does it mean when people say 'there is no absolute truth'? How can we respond to this idea based on what Pastor shared?  

  • Pastor discussed how many people in today's culture believe that there is no absolute truth and emphasized the importance of recognizing at least one truth to argue that more exist.

  • In your own life, can you think of a situation where you might have heard someone say something similar? How did you respond or how could you respond differently?


John Mark mentioned that truth can sometimes hurt us before it sets us free. What are some examples of truths that might be difficult to accept but ultimately help us grow?  

  • Truth can sometimes make us uncomfortable, like Pastor's examples about reading scripture that challenges us or facing difficult personal issues.

  • Reflect on a time when you faced a hard truth in your own life. How did it affect you then, and how do you see its importance now?


Why does Pastor emphasize the need for believers to know the truth in a world filled with lies? How can this knowledge impact our actions?  

  • John Mark stressed that understanding truth is vital because culture is full of deception, and we need to stand firm in truth to withstand these challenges.

  • How can knowing the truth guide your decisions or how you interact with friends who may believe differently?


John Mark spoke about the importance of speaking 'the truth in love.' How can we balance being truthful without being hurtful when discussing difficult topics?   

  • This concept was mentioned as a way to address hard truths and ensure we maintain relationships while standing firm in our beliefs.

  • Think of a recent conversation where there was a disagreement. How could you apply this principle in future discussions to foster more understanding?


Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Pray for the courage to share truth in love within our communities.
ā€¢ Ask God to help us recognize and stand against lies in our culture.
ā€¢ Seek guidance in knowing how to love others while maintaining our commitment to truth.
ā€¢ Lift up any prayer requests shared by the group for support and healing.


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What is the Purpose of Government?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

Pastor John Mark focuses on the importance of understanding the role of government from a biblical perspective, especially during the election season. He emphasizes that while we are to submit to governing authorities, our ultimate authority lies with God, and our obedience to the government should never compromise our faith. He explores the primary responsibilities of the government: to protect the innocent and punish the guilty, and encourages Christians to engage actively in political discourse while maintaining respect and prayerfulness. Ultimately, he calls for believers to participate in the political process, vote, and uphold their dual citizenship in both heaven and earth.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a food that starts with the same letter as your name, what would you choose?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

What do you think it means for Christians to have dual citizenship in both heaven and earth, as mentioned in Philippians 3:20?  

  • Pastor talked about how Christians have a responsibility to both their heavenly citizenship and earthly citizenship, emphasizing that both are important.

  • How can you balance your responsibilities as a citizen of heaven and a citizen of your country in your daily life?

According to Romans 13, what is the government's primary responsibility, and why is this important for society?  

  • Pastor mentioned that the governmentā€™s primary responsibility is to protect the innocent and punish the guilty, stating that this is essential for maintaining law and order.

  • What are some examples of how good government can protect citizens and promote peace in your community?

Pastor emphasized the importance of obeying the government unless it conflicts with our faith. Can you think of a situation where this might happen?  

  • He mentioned that obeying the government is important, but Christians should disobey if it means compromising their faith.

  • How would you respond if the government asked you to do something that goes against your Christian beliefs?

How do you feel about the idea of paying taxes as a way to support government services, even when you might not agree with how the money is spent?  

  • Pastor pointed out that paying taxes is necessary to help the government function and protect the people, even if one may have mixed feelings about it.

  • In what ways can supporting government through taxes impact your community, even if not everything aligns with your personal beliefs?

What does it mean to be 'salt and light' in the context of engaging with politics and government as Christians?   

  • Pastor used the metaphor of being 'salt and light' to describe how Christians should influence culture and government positively.

  • What practical ways can you be 'salt and light' in your school or community when discussing political issues?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask for prayer requests from the group.
ā€¢ Pray for clarity in understanding the role of government in our lives.
ā€¢ Ask God to give us courage to speak the truth in love.
ā€¢ Pray for opportunities to be salt and light in our communities.

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Canā€™t I Just Follow My Heart?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

Pastor John Mark discussed trusting our hearts and illustrated that all hearts are spiritually diseased due to sin. He referenced the biblical perspective, particularly from Jeremiah, highlighting that the heart can be deceitful and lead us down destructive paths. John Mark also emphasized the importance of turning to God's Word and faith in Jesus for healing and salvation and the necessity of conducting ourselves in alignment with these truths. Finally, he offered practical strategies for overcoming our sinful nature, including engaging with Scripture, worship, and fellowship, aiming for an undivided heart devoted to God.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a dish youā€™ve never tried before, what would it be?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

Why do you think Pastor emphasized the importance of God's word as the cure for our spiritual heart disease?  

  • The talk highlighted that the 'cure for a diseased heart is God's word, God's way,' indicating that scripture is crucial in guiding our decisions.

  • How can you incorporate reading the Bible into your daily routine to help guide your choices in life?

How can we find and follow God's path instead of our deceitful hearts when making important decisions?  

  • Pastor warned that following deceitful hearts can lead us down rough and damaged paths, urging us to turn to God's guidance instead.

  • Think about a major choice you need to make. What steps can you take to ensure you follow God's way rather than just what feels right?

What does it mean for our hearts to be 'deceitful' as described in Jeremiah 17, and how can understanding this concept help us in our daily lives?  

  • John Mark discussed how Jeremiah defines the heart as deceitful and desperately wicked, which shows that we canā€™t always trust our feelings or desires.

  • Can you think of a time when your heart led you to make a poor decision? How might you approach things differently now, knowing about the deceitful nature of the heart?

How can we apply the concept of 'conduct matters' to our choices?  

  • Pastor John Mark mentioned that although conduct doesn't determine salvation, it does matter in how we live after being saved, showing how our actions reflect our beliefs.

  • Reflect on a recent decision you made. How did your beliefs influence your actions in that situation?

Why is it important to prioritize corporate worship according to the sermon, and how does it help us overcome our divided hearts?   

  • John Mark emphasized the necessity of gathering together for worship, which can encourage us to resist our hearts' temptations.

  • How has participating in corporate worship helped you in your personal faith journey, and how can you make it a priority in your life from now on?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask God to help us recognize areas where our hearts may be deceitful.

ā€¢ Pray for the strength to rely on His Word over our feelings.

ā€¢ Request guidance in making choices that reflect His truths throughout the week.

ā€¢ Give space for any prayer requests from the group.

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Should the Church and Christians Stay Out of Politics?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

In the message below, Pastor John Mark emphasized the importance of Christian involvement in politics, especially during an election season, arguing that while both candidates may be flawed, the party platforms significantly influence governance. He urged the congregation to approach voting with biblical values, highlighting the responsibilities that come with the privilege of voting in a democratic society. Pastor addressed common objections to political engagement, such as the separation of church and state, pointing out that Christians are called to be active participants in shaping their society. Concluding on a note of encouragement, he reminded the congregation that voting is not only a right but also a vital opportunity to stand for moral and biblical principles.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

Why do you think Pastor John Mark emphasizes that Christians should be involved in politics?  

  • Pastor believes that being involved in politics is vital for Christians, as they can influence the government in ways beneficial to society based on their values.

  • How can you get involved in political issues reflecting your beliefs?

What is your understanding of the statement 'we must obey God rather than humans' from Acts 5:29, and how does it relate to Christian participation in politics?  

  • John Mark quotes this verse to highlight that Christians should prioritize their faith and values above human authority regarding voting and political involvement.

  • Have you ever felt torn between obeying your faith and following a governmental law? How did you handle that situation?

How does Pastor's perspective on the Constitution reflect the importance of moral and religious values in governance?  

  • Pastor mentions John Adams' view that the Constitution is made for a moral and religious people, which ties to the belief that good governance relies on shared values.

  • What values do you think are essential for good leadership in government? How can you encourage those values in your community?

What are some of the reasons Pastor gives for his belief that voting is a responsibility for Christians?  

  • John Mark outlines several reasons, including the blessing of having the right to vote and the importance of representing biblical values in government.

  • Do you think voting is a responsibility for everyone or just for those with certain beliefs? Why or why not?

Reflecting on Pastor's statements about community issues, which political issues concern you the most, and why?   

  • John Mark discusses various political issues such as religious freedom, the definition of family, and the importance of law in society as areas of concern for Christians.

  • How can you engage with others in your community to discuss these issues constructively?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Please share any prayer requests you have.
ā€¢ Ask God to guide us in applying the lessons about being involved in politics to our lives this week.
ā€¢ Pray for the courage to stand for our biblical values in political conversations.
ā€¢ Ask for wisdom in discerning which issues matter most to the community and how we can address them.

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Am I Saved Through Faith or Works?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

In today's sermon, Pastor John Mark discusses the concept of salvation, emphasizing that it is based on grace received through faith, not on works. He introduces the importance of the five M strategy for spiritual growth: Membership, Maturity, Ministry, Missions, and Magnification, comparing it to a baseball diamond. Using the story of the Philippian jailer, Pastor highlights that salvation comes simply by believing in Jesus Christ and encourages everyone to embrace this gift. Ultimately, he reminds the congregation that while good works cannot earn salvation, they are the natural response to it, stemming from a transformed life in Christ.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a food you absolutely disliked as a child, what would it be and why?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

What does it mean to say that salvation is a gift by grace, as stated in Ephesians 2:8-9?  

  • John Mark emphasized that grace is the foundation of our salvation and that it's not something we can earn through works.

  • In what ways do you see people trying to earn God's favor or salvation, and how can you encourage them to understand grace?

According to this talk, how do the concepts of faith and works relate to each other?  

  • Pastor explained that good works are not what saves us but are a response to being saved through faith.

  • Can you think of specific good works that you've done as a response to your faith? How did those acts influence your relationship with God?

Why do you think the Philippian jailer asked, 'What must I do to be saved?' and how does this question reflect the universal search for salvation?  

  • Pastor shared the story of the jailer seeking salvation after witnessing the faith of Paul and Silas in prison.

  • How can you share the message of salvation with others who might be asking similar questions in their lives?

What is the significance of baptism in the journey of faith, as highlighted in the message?  

  • John Mark mentioned that baptism is an essential part of membership in the church and follows the act of believing in Jesus.

  • If you have been baptized, how did that experience shape your faith journey? If you haven't, what are your thoughts about taking that step?

How does understanding that we cannot earn our salvation influence how we live our daily lives?   

  • John Mark indicated that recognizing salvation as a gift affects our attitude towards sin and how we treat others.

  • Think of a recent situation where you might have struggled with feelings of inadequacy. How can the truth of grace change your perspective in similar situations?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask for prayer requests within the group.
ā€¢ Pray for courage to share your faith with others this week.
ā€¢ Ask God to help you identify specific ways to serve in your community.
ā€¢ Seek His guidance to strengthen your relationship with Him through worship and study.

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Do I Need To Go To Church If Iā€™m a Christian?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap šŸŽ¬

Pastor John Mark spoke about the importance of the church within Christian life, emphasizing that attending church isn't about being perfect but about seeking improvement and community among others who are also flawed. He highlighted the historical and biblical foundations of the church, pointing out that Jesus attended and established the church, showing his love for it despite its imperfections. The talk outlined key principles for selecting a church, such as a passion for lost and hurting people, strong biblical teaching, and fostering community. Ultimately, John Mark encouraged the listener to view the church as essential for spiritual growth and mutual support.

Ice Breaker šŸ§Š

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it couldn't be pizza or ice cream, what food would you choose?

Discussion Questions šŸ’¬

According to Pastor John Mark, some people say they love Jesus but don't like church. Why do you think this idea has become common among Christians today?  

  • John Mark mentioned that many people say they are Christians but choose not to attend church, often citing reasons like hypocrisy.

  • Reflect on your own experiences. Have you ever felt this way? What events or discussions contributed to your feelings toward church?

Pastor referenced Hebrews 10:24-25, which encourages believers not to give up meeting together. Why do you think it is important to gather with other Christians?  

  • The scripture emphasizes the need to encourage one another and not avoid meeting together, which was a challenge in both the first century and today.

  • How do you experience encouragement in your life? Can you think of a time when being part of a gathering made a difference for you?

What does John Mark say about Jesus' relationship with the church? How does this impact how we view the church?  

  • He explains that Jesus attended church, established it, and loves it, demonstrating its importance.

  • How does knowing that Jesus loves the church change your perspective on attending or being part of a church community?

John Mark shared that a healthy church is passionate about lost and hurting people. What role do you think the church should play in addressing the needs of the community?  

  • He mentioned the importance of the church sharing the gospel and supporting those in need, showcasing outreach efforts.

  • Can you identify ways your church or a community organization is making a positive impact? How could you get involved?

In the sermon, the Pastor John Mark highlights the importance of worship in church. Why is worship an essential part of the church experience?   

  • He emphasized that worship has always been a key component of the church throughout history.

  • What does worship mean to you personally? How do you feel during worship, and what helps you connect with God in that moment?

Prayer šŸ™

ā€¢ Ask God to help you recognize the importance of church in your life.
ā€¢ Pray for opportunities to share the message of hope with someone who may feel distant from church.
ā€¢ Ask for guidance on how you can contribute to your church community this week.
ā€¢ Seek God's help in applying the lessons learned from the sermon into your daily actions.

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