Miracles: The Star of Bethlehem

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap 🎬

Pastor John Mark reflects on the significance of the star of Bethlehem, urging listeners to seek God wholeheartedly as He lights the way in our spiritual journeys. He contrasts the wise men, who persevered in their quest to find Jesus, with those around them who were indifferent or hostile, reminding us not to be deterred by the reactions of others. The message emphasizes the importance of not stopping short of faith and encourages listeners to embrace the joy found in worshiping Christ. Ultimately, Pastor invites everyone to be the light of the world, sharing the true meaning of Christmas as they move into the new year.

Ice Breaker 🧊

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a food that starts with the first letter of your name, what would it be?

Discussion Questions 💬

Pastor mentioned that God will always light the way if you seek Him. What does this mean to you personally?  

  • This reflects Jeremiah's prophecy about seeking God with all your heart and finding Him.

  • Can you identify a time when you sought God in your life? What happened as a result of that pursuit?

Pastor emphasized not stopping short of your destination. Why do you think it's important to keep pushing towards our goals?  

  • The sermon highlighted how the wise men didn't stop at the palace but continued to Bethlehem, showing determination in their journey.

  • What goals or dreams do you need to keep pursuing? What might hold you back from reaching them?

What do you think motivated the wise men to follow the star to find Jesus, even though it meant traveling a long distance?  

  • Pastor shared how the wise men recognized the star's unique qualities and decided to pursue it for a significant reason.

  • In your life, is there something you feel called to pursue, even if it seems difficult? How can you take steps to follow that calling?

Why do you think some people, like King Herod and the religious leaders, reacted negatively or indifferently when they heard about the birth of Jesus?  

  • Pastor noted how not everyone was excited about the news of Jesus, showing there can be a range of reactions.

  • Have you ever experienced someone reacting negatively to something you were excited about? How did that make you feel?

How can we apply the idea that we are to be the light of the world in our everyday lives?   

  • Pastor concluded with the message that, as believers, we are called to share our faith and be a guiding light like Jesus.

  • Think of a specific way you can shine your light this week, whether at school, home or in your community. What will you do?

Prayer 🙏

• Ask God to help apply the lessons from following the star to your personal journey of faith this week.
• Pray for the wisdom to recognize when God is leading you in your life.
• Seek God's guidance in overcoming any indifference in your heart towards Him or His word.
• Lift up any specific prayer requests that are shared among the group.

Rewatch the sermon 📼


Why Living a Connected Life Brings Joy


Miracles: The Star of Bethlehem