Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

Miracles: The Virgin Birth

What are the miracles surrounding Jesus’ birth, and why was it significant that the Lord performed these miracles? These are the questions that Pastor John Mark will answer during this series.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap 🎬

In this message, Pastor John Mark focuses on the significance of the virgin birth and the miracles associated with the Christmas story, highlighting the importance of God's plan that began long before Christ's birth. He reflects on the biblical narrative of Zechariah and Elizabeth, who remained faithful despite their struggles with barrenness, and contrasts it with the miraculous conception of Jesus through Mary. Pastor emphasizes that the virgin birth was essential for Jesus to be without a sinful nature, enabling His ultimate sacrifice for humanity's salvation. He invites listeners to embrace God's offer of salvation, moving from spiritual death to spiritual life.

Ice Breaker 🧊

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it could be any food, what would it be and why?

Discussion Questions 💬

Why is the virgin birth of Jesus considered a miracle, and how does it differ from other miracles mentioned in the sermon?  

  • The sermon discusses how the virgin birth is a supernatural miracle done by God, unlike other miracles that involve natural processes.

  • In what ways can experiencing God's miracles in our own lives change our perspective on challenges we face?

What does the phrase 'the day you eat of it, you will die' mean in the context of Adam and Eve's sin, and how does it relate to spiritual death?  

  • Pastor explains that Adam and Eve did not die physically immediately after eating the fruit but experienced spiritual death by becoming separated from God.

  • How do you think spiritual death can affect a person's relationship with God today, and what steps can someone take to restore that relationship?

How does understanding the concept of the sin nature help us make sense of why Jesus had to be born of a virgin?  

  • The sermon emphasizes that if Jesus was born from Mary and Joseph, he would inherit a sin nature, thus God made a way for Jesus to be born sinless through virgin birth.

  • What are some ways we can actively combat our own sin nature in our daily lives?

Pastor mentions how God has a plan and how everything from Genesis to the virgin birth fits together as part of that plan. What does that suggest about God's character?  

  • The sermon illustrates that God's plan is ongoing and intricately woven through history, indicating His deliberate care and involvement in creation.

  • How can recognizing God's involvement in your life help you feel more hopeful or secure during tough times?

What role does faith play in accepting the miraculous events of the Bible, especially the virgin birth?   

  • The sermon highlights the importance of faith in understanding and accepting the virgin birth and other miracles as part of God's divine plan.

  • In what areas of your life do you find it most challenging to have faith, and how can you strengthen that faith?

Prayer 🙏

• Pray for an openness to trust in God's timing, just like Zechariah and Elizabeth. • Ask God for strength to remain faithful in the waiting periods of our lives.

• Pray for a clearer understanding of the significance of the virgin birth in our faith. • Request God's guidance to apply the lessons from the sermon in our everyday interactions.

Rewatch the sermon 📼

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

Miracles: The Virgin Birth

What are the miracles surrounding Jesus’ birth, and why was it significant that the Lord performed these miracles? These are the questions that Pastor John Mark will answer during this series.

5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into this sermon. Each day will explore key themes and scriptures that relate to the message shared, providing insights and reflections to enrich your faith journey.

 Rewatch John Mark’s message…

Day 1

Luke 1:26-38 In today’s devotional, we reflect on the miraculous announcement made by the angel Gabriel to Mary. This passage highlights not only the importance of the virgin birth but also God’s providence and design in our lives. Mary’s initial uncertainty and her ultimate acceptance serve as a reminder that God's plans often exceed our understanding. We are encouraged to trust in God’s timing and His promises, even when they seem impossible. Just like Mary, when faced with uncertainty, we should respond with faith and willingness to embrace God's calling in our lives. - How do you respond to God’s call when you feel unprepared? - In what areas of your life do you struggle to trust God’s timing? - What steps can you take to cultivate a deeper faith in God’s promises? - Pray for the courage to embrace God's plans for your life. - Reflect on areas where you need to surrender control to God.

Day 2

Isaiah 7:14 As we explore the prophecy of the virgin birth in Isaiah, we see the intentionality behind God's promise of a Savior. This prophecy reminds us of the faithfulness of God throughout generations. Despite the long wait for fulfillment, God’s plans were in motion, and He proved to be both sovereign and loving. Just as Isaiah’s prophecy provided hope to a waiting people, we are reminded today that God’s promises are true and will always come to pass. Our faith in these promises can lead us to peace and assurance, knowing that He is in control. - Where do you see God’s faithfulness in your life? - How can reflecting on God's past promises strengthen your current faith? - What promises from Scripture do you hold onto in times of doubt? - Pray for increased faith to trust God’s promises. - Reflect on a time when God answered a prayer in your life.

Day 3

Romans 5:12 In this section, Paul discusses the implications of Adam’s sin and the need for redemption through Christ. Understanding the depths of our spiritual condition due to sin allows us to grasp the significance of the virgin birth. It emphasizes why Jesus needed to be born without a sin nature, setting the stage for His role as our Savior. This truth not only deepens our appreciation for the miracle of Christmas but also compels us to share the good news of salvation with others. Our hope is not in our own efforts but in the grace and love demonstrated through Christ. - How does understanding your identity as a sinner impact your relationship with God? - In what ways can you share the message of grace with those around you? - How does the account of Jesus' birth deepen your gratitude for your salvation? - Pray for opportunities to share your faith with others. - Reflect on the grace that God has shown you in your life.

Day 4

Matthew 1:22-23 Today, we look at the fulfillment of the prophecy in Matthew about the birth of Jesus. The name 'Immanuel' signifies God's presence with us. This powerful reminder brings comfort and confidence that God is always near, especially during difficult times. As we meditate on Jesus' incarnation, we are encouraged to reflect upon how we experience God’s presence in our own lives. It challenges us to live in a way that acknowledges this truth and to bring the hope of Christ to those in our communities who may feel alone or distant from Him. - How do you recognize God's presence in your daily life? - In what ways can you be a bearer of hope to others? - Reflect on the significance of Jesus as 'Immanuel' in your personal faith. - Pray for a deeper awareness of God’s presence in your life. - Ask God to show you how to be a source of hope for others.

Day 5

John 3:16 As we conclude our devotional this week, we celebrate the ultimate gift that the virgin birth led to—the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Understanding the significance of His birth connects us to the heart of the Gospel: God’s love for humanity. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection demonstrate the lengths to which God will go to redeem us. As we reflect on this truth, we are encouraged to embrace our identity as beloved children of God and to extend that love to others. - What does it mean to you to be called a child of God? - How can you better express God’s love to those around you? - In what areas of your life do you need to experience God’s love more profoundly? - Pray for God to help you understand your identity in Christ. - Ask for guidance on how to share His love with those in your life.

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

The Gospel in Every Arena

“The Gift” celebrates missions and evangelism month at Cottonwood Creek Church. Every message during this series talks about the importance of living out the Great Commission in our everyday lives as Christians.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap 🎬

In today's talk, Pastor John Mark emphasizes the importance of missions and sharing the gospel in every aspect of life, as illustrated by Paul's experience in Athens. He encourages understanding both what we believe and what the culture believes, highlighting the significance of being prepared to share our faith respectfully. Using examples from recent outreach efforts, the pastor connects numbers to real lives, illustrating that every action represents a person in need of hope and love. Ultimately, he urges the listener to engage with others about the resurrection of Jesus, knowing that some will accept, some will ponder, and some will reject the message.

Ice Breaker 🧊

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it couldn't be pizza or chocolate, what would it be?

Discussion Questions 💬

How does understanding what we believe help us share the gospel more effectively?  

  • Pastor mentioned that sharing the gospel starts in our hearts, and we need to know what we believe to communicate it well.

  • Can you think of a time when knowing what you believe made it easier for you to talk about your faith with someone else?

Why is it important to know what culture believes when sharing the gospel?  

  • Pastor emphasized that understanding the beliefs of others helps us connect our beliefs with theirs.

  • Have you ever noticed a difference in how people respond to your faith based on their cultural background? Share an example.

Based on 1 Peter 3:15, how can we prepare ourselves to share the reason for our hope in Christ respectfully?  

  • Pastor referenced 1 Peter 3:15, highlighting the importance of sharing the Gospel with gentleness and respect.

  • What are some respectful ways you can engage in conversations about your faith with friends or family who may have different beliefs?

How did Paul use familiar ideas to communicate the Gospel in Athens, and what can we learn from that?  

  • Pastor illustrated how Paul started with the familiar beliefs of the Athenians to bridge into sharing about Jesus.

  • What are some familiar situations or interests in your life that you could use to discuss faith with others?

What does the response of the people in Athens teach us about sharing the Gospel today?   

  • Pastor pointed out that some people mocked Paul, others wanted to learn more, and some believed, reflecting different responses to the Gospel.

  • How can we prepare ourselves for different responses when we talk about our faith with others?

Prayer 🙏

• Ask God to help us recognize every opportunity to share the gospel in our daily lives.
• Pray for the courage to discuss our faith respectfully with others.
• Request guidance to understand and connect with different cultural beliefs around us.
• Ask God for a heart that loves sharing Jesus with both friends and strangers alike.

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

The Gospel in Every Arena

“The Gift” celebrates missions and evangelism month at Cottonwood Creek Church. Every message during this series talks about the importance of living out the Great Commission in our everyday lives as Christians.

5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will take a deeper dive into the message below. We will explore the theme of sharing the gospel in every arena of our lives and how we can be impactful in our communities.


Day 1

Acts 17:16-17

In today's devotional, we reflect on Paul's experience in Athens as he observed a city filled with idols. Paul was distressed not out of anger but from compassion for the people who were searching for truth. His response was to engage with them, reasoning in the synagogue and the marketplace. This shows us the importance of being attentive to our surroundings and the spiritual needs of those around us. As followers of Christ, we are called to be the light in dark places, just as Paul did.

Engaging with our culture and understanding its beliefs allows us to build connections and share the hope we have in Christ more effectively. Like Paul, we should not shy away from entering conversations in our daily lives, whether at work, school, or family gatherings. Let's take inspiration from Paul’s courage and compassion as we seek to be vessels of the gospel in our communities.

  • What idols or distractions do I see in my life or community that might be leading people away from God?

  • How can I better engage with those around me who do not yet know Christ?

  • In what ways can I be more intentional about sharing my faith?


  • Ask God for a heart of compassion like Paul's for those who are lost.

  • Pray for opportunities to share the gospel this week.

  • Reflect on any fears or hesitations you have in sharing your faith, and ask God to help you overcome them.

Day 2

1 Peter 3:15

This day focuses on the necessity of being prepared to share the gospel at any moment. Peter encourages us to always be ready to give an answer for the hope that we have in Christ. This means not only understanding our faith deeply but also being sensitive to the questions and struggles others may face. Preparation is key; it involves prayer, study of scripture, and being comfortable with sharing our personal testimonies.

When we are prepared, we can share the gospel with gentleness and respect, reflecting the love of Christ in our words and actions. Being knowledgeable about what we believe empowers us to engage in conversations that lead others to a deeper understanding of Jesus. Let's take time to prepare our hearts and minds, so we are ready to share our faith whenever the opportunity arises.

  • What steps can I take to deepen my understanding of scripture?

  • When was the last time I shared my testimony with someone?

  • How can I be more prepared to share my faith in everyday situations?


  • Pray for boldness and clarity in your conversations about faith.

  • Ask God to help you understand His word more profoundly.

  • Reflect on moments when you missed an opportunity to share the gospel, and seek forgiveness or a second chance.

Day 3

Romans 1:16

Today's scripture reminds us that the gospel is the power of God for salvation. It is not just a message but a transformative truth that brings life. Paul was unashamed of the gospel, and we should adopt the same attitude. The gospel has the ability to change hearts, heal brokenness, and bring hope to the hopeless. As we reflect on our own encounters with the gospel, we should be reminded of its impact on our lives and develop a sense of urgency to share it with others.

Understanding that the gospel is the power of God gives us confidence as we share our faith. We should not feel intimidated or inferior when discussing our beliefs but rather recognize the effectiveness of the message itself. As we spread the gospel, we must trust that God will work in the hearts of those we share with, just as He has in ours.

  • How have I experienced the transforming power of the gospel in my own life?

  • Who in my life needs to hear the gospel message today?

  • What fears or reservations do I have about sharing the gospel with others?


  • Thank God for the power of the gospel in your life.

  • Pray for opportunities to share the good news with others.

  • Seek God's guidance on how to approach someone about faith.

Day 4

Matthew 28:19-20

In our devotional for today, we are reminded of the Great Commission. Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey everything He has commanded. This is our mission as followers of Christ: to actively participate in spreading the gospel to those who have not yet experienced its life-changing truth. Discipleship begins when we are willing to share our faith and walk alongside others in their spiritual journey.

The command to make disciples emphasizes both the importance of evangelism and the ongoing process of helping others grow in their faith. It requires commitment and intentionality to invest in the lives of those around us. Let's embrace this challenge and take practical steps to engage others in meaningful conversations about their faith and grow together in Christ.

  • Who is someone I can invite to church or a Bible study?

  • In what ways can I actively disciple someone in my life?

  • What steps can I take this week to fulfill the Great Commission?


  • Pray for the strength and courage to make disciples.

  • Ask God to show you who to reach out to this week.

  • Reflect on your own faith journey and consider how you can help others grow.

Day 5

2 Timothy 4:2

As we conclude our devotional series, we focus on the call to preach the word. In this verse, Paul encourages Timothy to be prepared in season and out of season to share the gospel. This final day reminds us of the ongoing call to witness for Christ wherever we go. Whether in casual conversations, formal settings, or moments of crisis, we are encouraged to be ready to share the hope that we have.

Life presents us with countless opportunities to share our faith, and we must be vigilant and willing. It can happen during our daily interactions, through acts of kindness, or in moments when people are confronting their struggles and asking deeper questions. Our task is to be prepared and responsive, always reflecting the love of Christ in our words and actions.

  • How can I be more intentional about sharing my faith daily?

  • What challenges do I face when it comes to sharing the gospel?

  • Who in my life is seeking hope that I can point to Jesus?


  • Pray for the opportunities God will present to you to share the gospel.

  • Ask for the wisdom to recognize and seize those opportunities.

  • Reflect on how you can develop a lifestyle of sharing your faith.

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

Is There Absolute Truth?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap 🎬

Pastor John Mark delivered a powerful message about the existence of absolute truth amidst a culture increasingly rejecting it. He highlighted how truth is essential in the face of societal lies and personal deceptions, emphasizing that while truth may sometimes hurt, it ultimately leads to freedom and salvation. Citing scripture, he reminded the listener of the importance of standing firm in truth and not succumbing to cultural pressures to compromise. The message concluded with a call to engage with truth through God’s Word, conscience, doctrine, and the example of Jesus.


Ice Breaker 🧊

What would you choose if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a food you disliked?


Discussion Questions 💬

According to John 8:44, what does it mean that 'Satan is a liar'? How does this understanding help us navigate life's challenges?  

  • In the sermon, Pastor explained that Satan, as the father of lies, uses deception to lead us away from God, and recognizing this is crucial for believers.

  • Can you identify areas in your life where you might be tempted to believe lies? What steps can you take to stay grounded in truth?


What does it mean when people say 'there is no absolute truth'? How can we respond to this idea based on what Pastor shared?  

  • Pastor discussed how many people in today's culture believe that there is no absolute truth and emphasized the importance of recognizing at least one truth to argue that more exist.

  • In your own life, can you think of a situation where you might have heard someone say something similar? How did you respond or how could you respond differently?


John Mark mentioned that truth can sometimes hurt us before it sets us free. What are some examples of truths that might be difficult to accept but ultimately help us grow?  

  • Truth can sometimes make us uncomfortable, like Pastor's examples about reading scripture that challenges us or facing difficult personal issues.

  • Reflect on a time when you faced a hard truth in your own life. How did it affect you then, and how do you see its importance now?


Why does Pastor emphasize the need for believers to know the truth in a world filled with lies? How can this knowledge impact our actions?  

  • John Mark stressed that understanding truth is vital because culture is full of deception, and we need to stand firm in truth to withstand these challenges.

  • How can knowing the truth guide your decisions or how you interact with friends who may believe differently?


John Mark spoke about the importance of speaking 'the truth in love.' How can we balance being truthful without being hurtful when discussing difficult topics?   

  • This concept was mentioned as a way to address hard truths and ensure we maintain relationships while standing firm in our beliefs.

  • Think of a recent conversation where there was a disagreement. How could you apply this principle in future discussions to foster more understanding?


Prayer 🙏

• Pray for the courage to share truth in love within our communities.
• Ask God to help us recognize and stand against lies in our culture.
• Seek guidance in knowing how to love others while maintaining our commitment to truth.
• Lift up any prayer requests shared by the group for support and healing.


Rewatch the sermon 📼

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

Is There Absolute Truth?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will explore this message in greater depth. We will discuss absolute truth in our lives and how we can stand firm in our faith despite a culture that challenges the very notion of truth.


Day 1

John 3:18


As we begin our journey into understanding truth, it is essential to acknowledge that love is rooted in truth. The scripture reminds us that we should not only profess our love through words but also embody that love through our actions and the truth we stand by. In today's society, there's a tendency to dilute truth to maintain peace or avoid conflict. However, genuine love does not shy away from hard truths; it embraces them. By grounding ourselves in truth, we foster deeper, more authentic relationships with those around us.

In our faith, understanding that kindness must accompany truth leads to stronger connections within the church and beyond. The next time truth confronts you, allow it to guide your love and actions. Remember that truth might initially sting but brings about growth, maturity, and ultimately, freedom.

  • What areas in your life have you compromised on truth for the sake of comfort?

  • How can you show love through truth in your relationships this week?

  • What is one way God is calling you to be more truthful with yourself or others?

  • Pray for the courage to speak the truth in love.

  • Ask God to reveal areas where you need to embrace truth more fully.


Day 2

Romans 1:21


Today's scripture highlights the danger of disregarding God's truth. It is easy to get swept up in cultural narratives that often undermine absolute truths. As believers, we are called to recognize the truth that comes from God and stand firm against any deception. The slippery slope of accepting partial truths leads to a darkening of our hearts and minds. Embracing truth is not merely an option; it is our duty to resist the tides of falsehoods that try to redefine reality.

Reflecting on how easily society can normalize lies, we must remember that genuine wisdom is founded on acknowledging God's absolute truths. Let us be vigilant and alert, ensuring that our lives reflect the light of truth that God graciously provides.

  • What false narratives have you encountered that challenge your faith?

  • How can you remain rooted in truth amidst changing societal views?

  • In what ways can you help others see and embrace God's truth?

  • Pray for discernment against cultural lies.

  • Ask for strength to uphold God's truth when it is unpopular.


Day 3

John 8:31-32


This verse speaks directly to the liberating power of truth. Jesus reminds us that holding onto His teachings allows us to be His true disciples, and in doing so, we discover the freedom that truth brings. The truth is not just a concept but a dynamic reality that shapes our everyday life. It frees us from the bondage of lies, deception, and insecurity. Recognizing truth equips us with the courage to face our fears and doubts head-on.

As you meditate on the freedom that truth offers, consider how it releases you from guilt and shame. Truth shepherds us towards a life of authenticity and fulfillment. This week, meditate on specific truths from scripture that remind you of God's promises and freedoms in your life.

  • What truths from God's Word have set you free in the past?

  • How does knowing the truth change the way you live your life daily?

  • What reflections do you need to embrace for increased freedom?

  • Pray for a deeper revelation of the truths in your life.

  • Thank God for the freedom that His truth brings to you.


Day 4

Ephesians 6:14


In today's devotional, we delve into the imagery of the armor of God and the significance of truth as our first line of defense. The passage encourages us to stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around our waist. Truth is foundational; it holds our spiritual armor together, enabling us to resist the lies that surround us. Just as a soldier must be equipped with the right armor, we too must be equipped with truth to fight against spiritual warfare.

Cultivating a discipline to seek and stand for truth equips us to be resilient against the adversities we face in life. As we wear this essential belt, we become not only defenders of truth but also advocates for love and justice in a world that desperately needs it.

  • What actions can you take to better equip yourself with truth?

  • How can you help others recognize the importance of truth in their lives?

  • In what ways can you actively stand for truth this week?

  • Pray for steadfastness in your commitment to truth.

  • Ask for opportunities to encourage others to seek truth.


Day 5

John 14:6


This verse encapsulates the essence of who Jesus is: the way, the truth, and the life. Understanding that Jesus embodies truth means we engage with Him as the source of all truth. It challenges us to explore our relationship with Jesus and evaluate how closely we align our lives with His truth. Embracing this core truth leads to a rejuvenated faith that enables us to share His love and truth with the world around us.

As we conclude this devotional journey, let us be reminded that upholding truth is a powerful witness to the world. Our testimony can shine brightly in a realm of confusion. Commit today to walk in the light of Christ, allowing His truth to guide your life’s choices and interactions.

  • How can you make Jesus the foundation of your understanding of truth?

  • In what areas of your life do you need to invite Jesus' truth more deeply?

  • What steps can you take to share this truth with others?

  • Pray for a closer relationship with Jesus, the Truth.

  • Ask for boldness to share His truth in your community.


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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

What is the Purpose of Government?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap 🎬

Pastor John Mark focuses on the importance of understanding the role of government from a biblical perspective, especially during the election season. He emphasizes that while we are to submit to governing authorities, our ultimate authority lies with God, and our obedience to the government should never compromise our faith. He explores the primary responsibilities of the government: to protect the innocent and punish the guilty, and encourages Christians to engage actively in political discourse while maintaining respect and prayerfulness. Ultimately, he calls for believers to participate in the political process, vote, and uphold their dual citizenship in both heaven and earth.

Ice Breaker 🧊

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a food that starts with the same letter as your name, what would you choose?

Discussion Questions 💬

What do you think it means for Christians to have dual citizenship in both heaven and earth, as mentioned in Philippians 3:20?  

  • Pastor talked about how Christians have a responsibility to both their heavenly citizenship and earthly citizenship, emphasizing that both are important.

  • How can you balance your responsibilities as a citizen of heaven and a citizen of your country in your daily life?

According to Romans 13, what is the government's primary responsibility, and why is this important for society?  

  • Pastor mentioned that the government’s primary responsibility is to protect the innocent and punish the guilty, stating that this is essential for maintaining law and order.

  • What are some examples of how good government can protect citizens and promote peace in your community?

Pastor emphasized the importance of obeying the government unless it conflicts with our faith. Can you think of a situation where this might happen?  

  • He mentioned that obeying the government is important, but Christians should disobey if it means compromising their faith.

  • How would you respond if the government asked you to do something that goes against your Christian beliefs?

How do you feel about the idea of paying taxes as a way to support government services, even when you might not agree with how the money is spent?  

  • Pastor pointed out that paying taxes is necessary to help the government function and protect the people, even if one may have mixed feelings about it.

  • In what ways can supporting government through taxes impact your community, even if not everything aligns with your personal beliefs?

What does it mean to be 'salt and light' in the context of engaging with politics and government as Christians?   

  • Pastor used the metaphor of being 'salt and light' to describe how Christians should influence culture and government positively.

  • What practical ways can you be 'salt and light' in your school or community when discussing political issues?

Prayer 🙏

• Ask for prayer requests from the group.
• Pray for clarity in understanding the role of government in our lives.
• Ask God to give us courage to speak the truth in love.
• Pray for opportunities to be salt and light in our communities.

Rewatch the sermon 📼

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

What is the Purpose of Government?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the following message. We will explore the biblical perspective on the role of government and our responsibility as Christians within that framework.


Day 1

Romans 13:1-2

As Christians, our understanding of authority begins with the belief that God is the ultimate source of all authority. Romans 13 teaches us that all governing authorities are established by God, and our response to them is one of submission. This doesn't mean blind obedience, but rather a respectful acknowledgment that God has set government in place for our protection and order. It’s crucial for us as Christians to understand this dynamic, especially in a time when societal voices challenge the value of authority.

Living under government means balancing our dual citizenship—earthly and heavenly. While we may have our preferences and opinions on governance, our call as believers is to honor and respect those authorities as long as obeying them does not compromise our faith in God. This principle is foundational as we navigate how to engage with civil matters while being faithful to our calling as Christians.

  • How do you currently engage with local and national government authorities?

  • What challenges do you face in respecting government when you disagree with its decisions?

  • In what ways can you better align your actions with your values as a Christian citizen?

  • Pray for wisdom in how to engage respectfully with government authorities.

  • Ask God to help you discern when to obey and when to stand firm in your faith.

Day 2

Philippians 3:20

In Philippians 3:20, Paul reminds us that our citizenship is in heaven. This understanding compels us to live righteously within our earthly citizenship. As believers, we have a responsibility not only to know our rights but also to fulfill our duties. Engaging with the government means voting, advocating for justice, and ensuring that we are voices of truth in our communities. We are proactive agents of change issued by our heavenly Kingdom.

This heavenly citizenship gives us a unique perspective on how we ought to live in society. It calls us to reflect God's values in our interactions and decisions. As we navigate the complexities of governance, we must remember that our ultimate allegiance is to God, who calls us to love our neighbors and stand up for the oppressed. Our role as citizens reflects our identity in Christ.

  • What does it mean to you to have dual citizenship in heaven and on earth?

  • How can you reflect your heavenly citizenship in your daily decisions?

  • In what specific ways can you advocate for justice in your community?

  • Pray for guidance in fulfilling your responsibilities as a citizen.

  • Ask God to help you share His love with those around you through your actions.

Day 3

Matthew 5:13-16

In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus calls us to be the salt and light of the world. This metaphor highlights our role as agents of change in society. Being salt means we preserve goodness in the world, while being light means we illuminate truth and hope in the darkness. As Christians engaged in government and societal structures, we are tasked with applying this principle. It requires us to be bold and to stand firm on issues that reflect God's character and truth.

In a world that often promotes values contrary to the Gospel, it is vital for us to be present in the public sphere. Whether through advocacy, community service, or simply sharing our faith, our actions as salt and light have the potential to impact those around us. We, as believers, have the responsibility not to hide our light but to let it shine brightly, guiding others toward Christ and showing them the love He embodies.

  • How do you currently act as salt and light in your community?

  • What fears hold you back from engaging more fully in societal issues?

  • How can you encourage others to be more active in their communities?

  • Pray for boldness to be salt and light in challenging situations.

  • Ask God to reveal ways you can inspire others to engage positively in society.

Day 4

Romans 13:3-4

Paul's teaching in Romans 13:3-4 emphasizes that government authorities are put in place to maintain order and justice. This highlights the foundational role that government plays in society—to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. As citizens of both heaven and earth, we are called to partner with our government in its rightful role while also advocating for those who are marginalized or unjustly treated. In assessing our governments' actions, we must ensure they align with God's purpose for justice and righteousness.

Our responsibility extends beyond mere compliance; we are also called to hold our leaders accountable, encouraging them to reflect God's justice in their decisions. Understanding this balance is essential for us to navigate the complexities of governance while remaining faithful to our mission as followers of Christ. Engagement in political processes can lead to a more just and fair society that honors God and serves the common good.

  • What does justice mean to you in the context of your government?

  • In what areas do you see a need for accountability in leadership?

  • How can you contribute to a culture of justice and honor within your community?

  • Pray for your leaders, asking God to guide them in their decisions.

  • Ask God to help you understand your role in advocating for justice.

Day 5

Acts 5:29

Acts 5:29 provides a critical reminder about our ultimate allegiance as Christians: we must obey God rather than human authorities. This declaration challenges us to consider the implications of our engagement with government and society. While we submit to authorities, our fidelity to Christ takes precedence, especially when laws contradict our faith. Understanding this balance helps us navigate scenarios where we must take a stand for righteousness, even in the face of opposition.

As Christians, we should be prepared to defend our faith and principles in a society that often presents conflicting messages. It's essential to foster a relationship with God where we discern His voice clearly, enabling us to respond appropriately when our faith is challenged. Engaging courageously and faithfully in our spheres of influence showcases our commitment to Christ and the truth of the Gospel.

  • Have you ever faced a situation where obeying the government conflicted with your faith?

  • What strategies can you employ to prepare for potential conflicts of faith with authority?

  • How can you support others facing similar challenges?

  • Pray for discernment to recognize when to submit and when to stand firm.

  • Ask God for grace to engage respectfully with those who oppose your beliefs.

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

Can’t I Just Follow My Heart?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap 🎬

Pastor John Mark discussed trusting our hearts and illustrated that all hearts are spiritually diseased due to sin. He referenced the biblical perspective, particularly from Jeremiah, highlighting that the heart can be deceitful and lead us down destructive paths. John Mark also emphasized the importance of turning to God's Word and faith in Jesus for healing and salvation and the necessity of conducting ourselves in alignment with these truths. Finally, he offered practical strategies for overcoming our sinful nature, including engaging with Scripture, worship, and fellowship, aiming for an undivided heart devoted to God.

Ice Breaker 🧊

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a dish you’ve never tried before, what would it be?

Discussion Questions 💬

Why do you think Pastor emphasized the importance of God's word as the cure for our spiritual heart disease?  

  • The talk highlighted that the 'cure for a diseased heart is God's word, God's way,' indicating that scripture is crucial in guiding our decisions.

  • How can you incorporate reading the Bible into your daily routine to help guide your choices in life?

How can we find and follow God's path instead of our deceitful hearts when making important decisions?  

  • Pastor warned that following deceitful hearts can lead us down rough and damaged paths, urging us to turn to God's guidance instead.

  • Think about a major choice you need to make. What steps can you take to ensure you follow God's way rather than just what feels right?

What does it mean for our hearts to be 'deceitful' as described in Jeremiah 17, and how can understanding this concept help us in our daily lives?  

  • John Mark discussed how Jeremiah defines the heart as deceitful and desperately wicked, which shows that we can’t always trust our feelings or desires.

  • Can you think of a time when your heart led you to make a poor decision? How might you approach things differently now, knowing about the deceitful nature of the heart?

How can we apply the concept of 'conduct matters' to our choices?  

  • Pastor John Mark mentioned that although conduct doesn't determine salvation, it does matter in how we live after being saved, showing how our actions reflect our beliefs.

  • Reflect on a recent decision you made. How did your beliefs influence your actions in that situation?

Why is it important to prioritize corporate worship according to the sermon, and how does it help us overcome our divided hearts?   

  • John Mark emphasized the necessity of gathering together for worship, which can encourage us to resist our hearts' temptations.

  • How has participating in corporate worship helped you in your personal faith journey, and how can you make it a priority in your life from now on?

Prayer 🙏

• Ask God to help us recognize areas where our hearts may be deceitful.

• Pray for the strength to rely on His Word over our feelings.

• Request guidance in making choices that reflect His truths throughout the week.

• Give space for any prayer requests from the group.

Rewatch the sermon 📼

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

Can’t I Just Follow My Heart?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will explore this message in depth. Each day, we will explore the theme of trusting our hearts in light of God's Word, examining the deceitfulness of our minds and the need for a pure heart through faith and scriptural teachings.


Day 1

Jeremiah 17:9-10

The exploration of our hearts begins with the understanding that our hearts can be deceiving. In Jeremiah, we see that the human heart is described as "deceitful above all things." This highlights the significance of being cautious about what we allow our hearts to dictate. The tendency to follow our emotions, perceptions, or desires can lead us astray, rooting us deeper in spiritual malaise if we neglect the truths found in God's Word.

As we embrace this truth, we are called to acknowledge the state of our hearts and seek not just a transformation but a complete renewal. To trust in our hearts alone is to rely on something fundamentally flawed. This devotional invites you to reflect on the necessity of emphasizing scripture and prayer in navigating life's challenges by aligning your heart with God's will.

  • What are some areas in your life where you have relied on your heart's direction rather than God's Word?

  • In what ways can you engage more deeply with scripture to align your heart with God?

  • How can you cultivate discernment to recognize when your heart is leading you astray?

  • Ask God to reveal the areas of deceitfulness in your heart.

  • Pray for the strength to follow God's guidance over your own instincts.

Day 2

Romans 3:23

Understanding the nature of sin in our lives leads us to a powerful realization: everyone has fallen short of God's glory. This acknowledgment does not serve to condemn us but instead acts as a bridge to grace. Recognizing our common struggle with sin allows us to come together as a community unified in seeking God's transformative love and mercy.

As we delve into the depths of our own hearts, we remember that while sin is universally present, so too is salvation. In Christ, we find redemption and a path towards purity. Embracing this truth grants us humility and encourages us to extend grace to others, reflecting the love of Christ in everything we do.

  • What does it mean for you to acknowledge that you have sinned?

  • How does understanding God's grace impact your view of sin in your life?

  • In what ways can you extend grace to others who are struggling?

  • Thank God for His grace and forgiveness in your own life.

  • Pray for the ability to see others through the lens of grace.

Day 3

Psalm 51:10

David's heartfelt prayer for a clean heart serves as an essential model for our own spiritual journeys. In moments of failure, he exemplified the humility required to seek God's forgiveness and renewal. It reminds us that no matter how far we stray, God is always ready to create a clean heart within us and renew a right spirit in us.

This day invites us to internalize David’s longing for a pure heart. By asking for God's help in this process, we cultivate an environment where spiritual growth can flourish. We are reminded that purity is not a one-time address; rather, it is a daily commitment to seek God and allow Him to refine us continuously.

  • What does it mean to you to ask God for a pure heart?

  • In which areas do you feel the need for God's healing and renewal?

  • How can you cultivate a lifestyle that consistently seeks purity?

  • Pray for clean hands and a pure heart as you enter God's presence.

  • Ask God to guide you toward practical steps to live a life of purity.

Day 4

Proverbs 4:23

The biblical admonition to "guard your heart" is foundational for a healthy spiritual life. As our hearts represent our desires, thoughts, emotions, and decisions, this instruction serves as a protective measure against the distractions and temptations that bombard us daily. Learning to safeguard our hearts is an active process requiring intentionality and discernment.

From reflecting on influences that arise in our lives to nourishing our hearts with scripture and prayer, guarding our hearts involves building a resilient spirit. It emphasizes the necessity of being aware of the thoughts we entertain and the environments we immerse ourselves in. This reflection pushes us to be proactive in our faith journey.

  • What practical steps are you taking to guard your heart?

  • How can you create boundaries in your life that protect your spiritual well-being?

  • Who or what inspires you to actively guard your heart?

  • Pray for wisdom in maintaining healthy boundaries.

  • Ask God to help you identify distractions that can lead your heart astray.

Day 5

Philippians 4:8

In conclusion, Paul encourages us to focus our minds on whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. This final day of our devotional journeys underscores the impact of our thoughts on our hearts. As we align our focus on the things of God, we nurture healthier desires that lead us toward righteous living.

This call to shift our focus also fosters spiritual growth that cannot be ignored. By intentionally surrounding ourselves with uplifting influences and engaging with God's Word, we create an environment conducive to God's transformative work in our lives. Let this final scripture guide you as you go forth each day, keeping your heart and mind grounded in God's peace.

  • What adjustments can you make to cultivate a more positive focus?

  • How does aligning your thoughts with God’s truths impact your emotional health?

  • What steps can you take to create uplifting habits in your daily life?

  • Spend time thanking God for His guidance throughout this devotional.

  • Pray for a continuous renewal of your heart and mind toward His will.

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

Should the Church and Christians Stay Out of Politics?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap 🎬

In the message below, Pastor John Mark emphasized the importance of Christian involvement in politics, especially during an election season, arguing that while both candidates may be flawed, the party platforms significantly influence governance. He urged the congregation to approach voting with biblical values, highlighting the responsibilities that come with the privilege of voting in a democratic society. Pastor addressed common objections to political engagement, such as the separation of church and state, pointing out that Christians are called to be active participants in shaping their society. Concluding on a note of encouragement, he reminded the congregation that voting is not only a right but also a vital opportunity to stand for moral and biblical principles.

Ice Breaker 🧊

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Discussion Questions 💬

Why do you think Pastor John Mark emphasizes that Christians should be involved in politics?  

  • Pastor believes that being involved in politics is vital for Christians, as they can influence the government in ways beneficial to society based on their values.

  • How can you get involved in political issues reflecting your beliefs?

What is your understanding of the statement 'we must obey God rather than humans' from Acts 5:29, and how does it relate to Christian participation in politics?  

  • John Mark quotes this verse to highlight that Christians should prioritize their faith and values above human authority regarding voting and political involvement.

  • Have you ever felt torn between obeying your faith and following a governmental law? How did you handle that situation?

How does Pastor's perspective on the Constitution reflect the importance of moral and religious values in governance?  

  • Pastor mentions John Adams' view that the Constitution is made for a moral and religious people, which ties to the belief that good governance relies on shared values.

  • What values do you think are essential for good leadership in government? How can you encourage those values in your community?

What are some of the reasons Pastor gives for his belief that voting is a responsibility for Christians?  

  • John Mark outlines several reasons, including the blessing of having the right to vote and the importance of representing biblical values in government.

  • Do you think voting is a responsibility for everyone or just for those with certain beliefs? Why or why not?

Reflecting on Pastor's statements about community issues, which political issues concern you the most, and why?   

  • John Mark discusses various political issues such as religious freedom, the definition of family, and the importance of law in society as areas of concern for Christians.

  • How can you engage with others in your community to discuss these issues constructively?

Prayer 🙏

• Please share any prayer requests you have.
• Ask God to guide us in applying the lessons about being involved in politics to our lives this week.
• Pray for the courage to stand for our biblical values in political conversations.
• Ask for wisdom in discerning which issues matter most to the community and how we can address them.

Rewatch the sermon 📼

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

Should the Church and Christians Stay Out of Politics?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will deepen our understanding of Pastor John Mark's message below. We will explore the key themes of political engagement from a biblical perspective, how our faith interacts with our civic responsibilities, and the importance of voting according to our values.


Day 1

Ephesians 5:15-16

As we dive into the core theme of engaging in politics as Christians, we are reminded of the importance of being wise in how we live our lives. The Apostle Paul encourages us to make the most of every opportunity, especially in times when the world around us seems chaotic. In today's political climate, it can be tempting to withdraw and only focus on spiritual matters, but our faith calls us to be active participants in society.

Being involved in politics is not just about casting a vote; it’s about aligning our actions with biblical principles and ensuring that we advocate for what is just and right. The values we hold as Christians should directly influence how we engage with the political system. Let us reflect on how we can embody wisdom and discernment in our civic responsibilities.

  • How am I currently participating in my community or political life?

  • In what ways can my faith influence my political decisions?

  • Am I making the most of every opportunity to express my values in public life?

  • Pray for discernment in navigating political conversations and decisions.

  • Ask God to help you see opportunities for involvement in your community.

Day 2

Proverbs 14:34

The idea of righteousness exalting a nation reminds us of our responsibility as Christians to uphold and advocate for moral integrity in our society. As we reflect on the values that should inform our political choices, we must recognize that laws are a reflection of our collective morality. It is our duty to champion righteousness in the public sphere, advocating for policies that protect the innocent and promote justice.

In a world where the lines between right and wrong can sometimes blur, standing firm in our convictions becomes even more crucial. We should not shy away from speaking out on moral issues, recognizing that our voices can make a significant impact in shaping the direction of our nation.

  • What moral issues do you feel most passionate about?

  • How can you advocate for righteousness in your community?

  • Who can you partner with to promote justice and moral integrity?

  • Pray for strength and courage to advocate for righteousness.

  • Contemplate ways to engage your community on moral issues.

Day 3

Romans 13:1-2

Understanding the role of government is vital for a Christian perspective on politics. God has established authorities to maintain order and justice. Our engagement as citizens involves not just our votes but our understanding of the governance structures that exist in our society. It’s essential to be informed about how our legal and political systems work, as this knowledge empowers us to contribute effectively and responsibly.

Moreover, we are called to honor those in authority, but this does not mean compromising our principles when their actions contradict biblical values. We must be willing to stand up for what is right, advocating for changes that reflect God's justice and grace.

  • How well do you understand your local and national government?

  • What are the issues where you believe governance could be improved?

  • In what ways can you exert your influence to foster positive change?

  • Pray for your local leaders and government officials.

  • Seek guidance on how to advocate for needed reforms.

Day 4

1 Timothy 2:1-2

In this passage, Paul emphasizes the importance of praying for those in authority. As ingrained as our civic duties may be, we must not forget the spiritual dimension of our involvement. Prayer should be the foundation for every action we take in the political realm. Our prayers align our hearts with God’s will and empower us to act on His behalf, bringing His justice and mercy into our communities.

No matter the outcome of elections or political decisions, we are called to be people of prayer, trusting in God's sovereignty amid uncertainty. This commitment helps to foster a spirit of unity and peace, even in a divided political atmosphere. Let us be known as those who uplift our leaders and engage in prayer for our nation.

  • Who are the leaders you should be praying for regularly?

  • What specific challenges in governance can you pray about?

  • How can prayer prepare you for active engagement in political matters?

  • Pray for wisdom for leaders at all levels of government.

  • Ask God to point out areas where your prayers can make a difference.

Day 5

Mark 12:17

Jesus taught us about the importance of understanding our responsibilities to both God and government. His directive to “render to Caesar what is Caesar’s” illustrates the balance we must maintain between our heavenly citizenship and our earthly responsibilities. As Christians, navigating this balance requires discernment, grace, and a commitment to our faith.

In these final reflections, consider how your faith informs your views on political matters. It is essential not only to engage in the political system but to do so in a way that reflects the heart of God. Our participation should be rooted in love, authenticity, and a desire to see God’s will manifest in our communities.

  • In what ways can your engagement reflect God’s love?

  • How can you be a positive influence within political conversations?

  • What actions can you take to embody your faith in political discussions?

  • Reflect on your role as a citizen in light of your faith.

  • Pray for opportunities to witness through civic engagement.

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

Am I Saved Through Faith or Works?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap 🎬

In today's sermon, Pastor John Mark discusses the concept of salvation, emphasizing that it is based on grace received through faith, not on works. He introduces the importance of the five M strategy for spiritual growth: Membership, Maturity, Ministry, Missions, and Magnification, comparing it to a baseball diamond. Using the story of the Philippian jailer, Pastor highlights that salvation comes simply by believing in Jesus Christ and encourages everyone to embrace this gift. Ultimately, he reminds the congregation that while good works cannot earn salvation, they are the natural response to it, stemming from a transformed life in Christ.

Ice Breaker 🧊

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be a food you absolutely disliked as a child, what would it be and why?

Discussion Questions 💬

What does it mean to say that salvation is a gift by grace, as stated in Ephesians 2:8-9?  

  • John Mark emphasized that grace is the foundation of our salvation and that it's not something we can earn through works.

  • In what ways do you see people trying to earn God's favor or salvation, and how can you encourage them to understand grace?

According to this talk, how do the concepts of faith and works relate to each other?  

  • Pastor explained that good works are not what saves us but are a response to being saved through faith.

  • Can you think of specific good works that you've done as a response to your faith? How did those acts influence your relationship with God?

Why do you think the Philippian jailer asked, 'What must I do to be saved?' and how does this question reflect the universal search for salvation?  

  • Pastor shared the story of the jailer seeking salvation after witnessing the faith of Paul and Silas in prison.

  • How can you share the message of salvation with others who might be asking similar questions in their lives?

What is the significance of baptism in the journey of faith, as highlighted in the message?  

  • John Mark mentioned that baptism is an essential part of membership in the church and follows the act of believing in Jesus.

  • If you have been baptized, how did that experience shape your faith journey? If you haven't, what are your thoughts about taking that step?

How does understanding that we cannot earn our salvation influence how we live our daily lives?   

  • John Mark indicated that recognizing salvation as a gift affects our attitude towards sin and how we treat others.

  • Think of a recent situation where you might have struggled with feelings of inadequacy. How can the truth of grace change your perspective in similar situations?

Prayer 🙏

• Ask for prayer requests within the group.
• Pray for courage to share your faith with others this week.
• Ask God to help you identify specific ways to serve in your community.
• Seek His guidance to strengthen your relationship with Him through worship and study.

Rewatch the sermon 📼

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

Am I Saved Through Faith or Works?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will take a deeper dive into the message from Pastor John Mark below, focusing on the significant topic of salvation and the relationship between grace and faith. Each day will explore key scriptures and provide insights into how they apply to our spiritual journey.

Day 1

Ephesians 2:8-9
Today, we reflect on the incredible gift of salvation that is made available to us through God's grace. These verses remind us that we are saved not by our own efforts, but through the grace of God received by faith. This foundational truth underlines the essence of our relationship with God, proving that there is nothing we can do to earn our salvation. This should bring us comfort and joy, as it emphasizes that salvation is ultimately a gift. Instead of striving to prove ourselves or worrying about our worth, we can rest in the assurance that God loves us unconditionally.

  • Have I accepted the gift of salvation through faith in my life?

  • What does it mean to me to be saved by grace and not by works?

  • How does understanding salvation as a gift change how I view my relationship with God?

  • Pray for a deeper understanding of God’s grace in your life.

  • Ask God to help you embrace the gift of salvation fully.

Day 2

Romans 10:9
In Romans 10:9, we find a powerful statement that encapsulates the essence of faith. It emphasizes that confession and belief in Jesus as Lord lead to our salvation. Faith is not merely intellectual agreement; it requires a personal commitment to trust in Jesus. Today, consider what it means to declare your faith in Christ openly. How does this confession impact not only your relationship with God but also your interactions with others? By publicly affirming our faith, we become witnesses of God's transformative power.

  • What does it mean to me to declare Jesus as Lord?

  • How can I encourage others to come to faith in Christ?

  • What are some barriers that prevent me from sharing my faith openly?

  • Pray for opportunities to share your faith with others.

  • Ask God for boldness in declaring His truth.

Day 3

Romans 5:8
Romans 5:8 beautifully portrays the depth of God’s love for us, revealing that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. This unconditional love is the cornerstone of our salvation. We must remember that we are not called to clean ourselves up before approaching God; instead, He meets us in our brokenness and offers His grace. Contemplate the vastness of this love today. How does acknowledging that God loves you in your flaws change your perspective on His acceptance? Allow this truth to inspire gratitude and a desire to share this love with others.

  • In what ways have I experienced God’s love during difficult times?

  • How can I show others the unconditional love of Christ?

  • Am I sometimes hesitant to approach God because of my shortcomings?

  • Pray and thank God for His sacrificial love.

  • Ask for guidance on how to love others like Christ does.

Day 4

Titus 3:5
Titus 3:5 offers reassurance that our salvation is not based on our righteous acts but on God’s mercy. This truth should shift how we approach our Christian walk. Instead of seeking validation through our good deeds, we can rely on the merciful nature of God. This frees us from the pressure to perform and reminds us that our worth is intrinsic, rooted in God’s love for us. Reflect on areas in your life where you may be trying to earn God's love through actions. What would it look like to simply rest in His mercy today?

  • What actions do I take to seek validation rather than acceptance?

  • How can I better rely on God's mercy in my daily life?

  • What truths do I need to remind myself of in moments of doubt?

  • Pray for clarity and strength to rely on God’s mercy.

  • Ask God to reveal areas where you can rest in His acceptance.

Day 5

Galatians 2:16
As we conclude our devotional, Galatians 2:16 serves as a pivotal reminder: we are justified by faith in Jesus Christ and not by the works of the law. It is a liberating truth that reinforces the understanding that it is through faith alone that we find righteousness. This understanding calls us to live out our faith authentically, knowing that our actions are a response to the grace we have received, rather than a means to earn God's favor. Allow this reality to inspire a lifestyle of gratitude and obedience, reflecting Christ in all that you do.

  • How does understanding justification by faith impact my daily actions?

  • In what ways can I express gratitude for God’s grace in my life?

  • What steps can I take to deepen my faith this week?

  • Pray for a heart that seeks to honor God through obedience.

  • Ask God to reveal ways you can live joyfully in His grace.

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

Do I Need To Go To Church If I’m a Christian?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap 🎬

Pastor John Mark spoke about the importance of the church within Christian life, emphasizing that attending church isn't about being perfect but about seeking improvement and community among others who are also flawed. He highlighted the historical and biblical foundations of the church, pointing out that Jesus attended and established the church, showing his love for it despite its imperfections. The talk outlined key principles for selecting a church, such as a passion for lost and hurting people, strong biblical teaching, and fostering community. Ultimately, John Mark encouraged the listener to view the church as essential for spiritual growth and mutual support.

Ice Breaker 🧊

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it couldn't be pizza or ice cream, what food would you choose?

Discussion Questions 💬

According to Pastor John Mark, some people say they love Jesus but don't like church. Why do you think this idea has become common among Christians today?  

  • John Mark mentioned that many people say they are Christians but choose not to attend church, often citing reasons like hypocrisy.

  • Reflect on your own experiences. Have you ever felt this way? What events or discussions contributed to your feelings toward church?

Pastor referenced Hebrews 10:24-25, which encourages believers not to give up meeting together. Why do you think it is important to gather with other Christians?  

  • The scripture emphasizes the need to encourage one another and not avoid meeting together, which was a challenge in both the first century and today.

  • How do you experience encouragement in your life? Can you think of a time when being part of a gathering made a difference for you?

What does John Mark say about Jesus' relationship with the church? How does this impact how we view the church?  

  • He explains that Jesus attended church, established it, and loves it, demonstrating its importance.

  • How does knowing that Jesus loves the church change your perspective on attending or being part of a church community?

John Mark shared that a healthy church is passionate about lost and hurting people. What role do you think the church should play in addressing the needs of the community?  

  • He mentioned the importance of the church sharing the gospel and supporting those in need, showcasing outreach efforts.

  • Can you identify ways your church or a community organization is making a positive impact? How could you get involved?

In the sermon, the Pastor John Mark highlights the importance of worship in church. Why is worship an essential part of the church experience?   

  • He emphasized that worship has always been a key component of the church throughout history.

  • What does worship mean to you personally? How do you feel during worship, and what helps you connect with God in that moment?

Prayer 🙏

• Ask God to help you recognize the importance of church in your life.
• Pray for opportunities to share the message of hope with someone who may feel distant from church.
• Ask for guidance on how you can contribute to your church community this week.
• Seek God's help in applying the lessons learned from the sermon into your daily actions.

Rewatch the sermon 📼

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Cottonwood Creek Media Cottonwood Creek Media

Do I Need to Go to Church If I Am a Christian?

The "Reality Check" series looks at some of the issues and topics of today, seeing what they look like, and then comparing that to how the Bible says those topics should be lived out and fleshed out.

Five Day Devotional

These devotionals will deepen the understanding fof he talk that Pastor John Mark did below. Each day will explore the importance of the church, our role within it, and the truths found in scripture that guide us in our faith journey. Through reflection and prayer, we will seek to understand how we can better embody the love of Jesus in our lives and within our community.


Day 1

Hebrews 10:24-25

The writer of Hebrews reminds us of the importance of gathering together as believers. In a world that often promotes isolation and individualism, the church serves as a vital community where we spur one another on towards love and good deeds. It's not about perfect people coming together, but rather broken individuals seeking to grow and support one another in our faith journeys.

As we engage with the church, we fulfill the purpose of encouraging one another, reminding ourselves that it's acceptable to be imperfect and that our worth is found in Christ alone. This day, let us reflect on what it means to be part of a community that is headquartered in love, grace, and growth.

  • What aspects of your church community encourage you in your faith?

  • In what ways have you been a source of encouragement to others?

  • How can you deepen your commitment to gathering with fellow believers?

  • Pray for a sense of belonging within your church community.

  • Ask God to show you how you can support and encourage others.

Day 2

Matthew 16:16-18

In this passage, Peter identifies Jesus as the Messiah, and Jesus responds by proclaiming that He will build His church upon this truth. The church isn't just a building; it's a living body of believers dedicated to reflecting the love of Christ. Understanding this foundational truth helps us see that being part of the church is a privilege and a responsibility.

As members of the church, we are called to actively participate in its growth and health. This means embracing our roles, serving one another, and celebrating the diverse gifts God has given each of us. Today, reflect on how you can contribute to the church's mission of sharing the Gospel and serving the community.

  • What does being part of the church mean to you?

  • How can you identify and use your gifts within the church?

  • In what ways can you support the church’s mission to reach others?

  • Pray for clarity in your role within the church.

  • Ask God to give you a heart for serving others and advancing the Gospel.

Day 3

Ephesians 5:25

Paul compares the love of Christ for the church to the love between spouses, emphasizing that it is sacrificial and profound. This sacrificial love teaches us how to engage with others within the church community. When we see ourselves as beloved members of the church, we understand that we are part of something greater than ourselves, and we are called to love others in that same way.

Take time today to reflect on the ways that Jesus has loved you and how His love should compel you to love others. When we serve one another selflessly, we strengthen the bond of community and bring honor to our Savior.

  • How does understanding Jesus' love for the church impact your view of community?

  • In what ways can you demonstrate sacrificial love to others?

  • How can the relationships within your church be improved to reflect Christ's love?

  • Pray for the ability to love others as Christ loves you.

  • Ask God to reveal ways you can be a blessing to your church family.

Day 4

Revelation 19:7

This verse speaks of the celebration that occurs as the church prepares for the return of Christ. It emphasizes that the church is not only a gathering place but also a community preparing for eternity. The anticipation of Jesus returning for His bride—the church—should ignite passion in us to live holy and devoted lives.

As we consider the reality of Christ’s return, let us strive to live in a way that honors Him and reflects our readiness. Are we participating in the mission of the Gospel? Are we welcoming new members into our community? Reflect today on your daily attitudes and actions within the context of this glorious hope.

  • How does the thought of Christ's return impact your everyday life?

  • What steps can you take to live in light of eternity?

  • How can you actively welcome new believers into the church community?

  • Pray for a sense of urgency in your faith.

  • Ask God to help you live in a manner worthy of being His bride.

Day 5

Acts 2:42

In Acts, we see a picture of an early church that was devoted to teachings, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. This commitment created a thriving community that supported one another spiritually and emotionally. To truly embody the church, we must also embrace these elements in our lives together. They are essential for nurturing a vibrant faith.

Today, consider how you can engage more fully with your church family. Are you participating in small groups, prayer meetings, or service opportunities? The strength of the church rests not just in its structure but in its people entering into a community rooted in love and shared purpose.

  • In what ways can you become more engaged in your church community?

  • How has participating in community impacted your faith?

  • What next steps can you take to foster deeper connections in your church?

  • Pray for a deeper sense of community within your church.

  • Ask God to help you commit to regular fellowship and prayer with your church family.

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